Episode 22: Electric Boogaloo (The Remix)
It's a Holiday Miracle - praise the Almighty Holy Donut! We're back for Season 2, and we brought Magical Jobcat.
Catch up with the resurrected Two Witches Podcast 2.0 - Electric Boogaloo! Learn forbidden secrets by joining the Cult of the Holy Donut or become a member of Brick Management! (That means we have a Patreon now).
Catch up with the resurrected Two Witches Podcast 2.0 - Electric Boogaloo! Learn forbidden secrets by joining the Cult of the Holy Donut or become a member of Brick Management! (That means we have a Patreon now).
Andrea working her Vintage Magic at the thrift store!
We'll fill you in on what we've been up to since our chat with Mortellus, the Bagans Slayer on Episode 21, and introduce you to what we call Vintage Magic and what the hell that has to do with haunted bricks.
Surprising no one, a certain bossy nun and her Hell's Angels reinforcements are involved, but even SJ's maternal grandfather recently showed up to join the party too to try to make them cry on the podcast...AGAIN. Synchronicity plays dirty!

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SJ's maternal grandfather & Big John both have popped up recently to make themselves known since Vintage Magic! began. Patrons will hear an even stranger story about Andrea's house in a bonus episode out by the new year.
SJ getting ready to enter their happy place... the local animal shelter's thrift store.
Resident Plant Witch Andrea also has some great news for all of you plant nerds too, that our Patrons will get enjoy the spoils of!
Also, we'll provide a status report on the cover up, OOPS - we meant construction, at the Providence Academy, along with an exciting update on the Mother Joseph-built St. Ignatius Hospital in Colfax, Washington!
Make sure you check out the adventures of "Basement Cat" on Friends of St. Ignatius' instagram so you can become as obsessed as we are!
First Annual Whamageddon Contest!
We decided to try to spread some Christmas Cheer in the Hell Year 2021 and have a "Last Person Standing" Whamageddon Contest for a Two Witches Podcast Prize Package, cause why not?
All you have to do is check in, then avoid being sent to Whamhalla by avoiding hearing "Last Christmas" by Wham.

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One of SJ's famous Cursed Repaints called "VEAL" is part of the Whamaggedon prize this! Enter by commenting on the pinned post on @TwoWitchesPod and let us know you're playing!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Jasper on his GLORIOUS VICTORY!!!