Episode 11.5: Turning Left - We're Back.
Sometimes you just have to take a break.
That's right, we're back! Thanks for joining us again as we pick up the helm of Two Witches. Putting out regular content is a lot of work, more than we ever realized. As part of examining what specifically was so difficult about the process, we realized lots of things had to change, and that starts with this episode.
We are going to try our best to keep with our promise to never leave you bummed out at the end of an episode, and since Andrea and SJ always are in a better mood after we talk, that should be a natural progression. We have decided to shelve the 30 minute goal for now. We realize this is ironic since this was designed to help those of us with a short attention span, including the ADHD diagnosed host of this podcast *cough*, but we're letting this one go.
However, in this episode, there is a clear change and break in the conversation, and you can bail out at 27:44 - likewise, if you aren't in the mood for a very heavy conversation, you can start there and listen to part one when you are emotionally ready. Which brings us to the content warning of this episode.
Yes, this crafty little witch Andrea crocheted the cowl SJ is wearing. She's amazing like that.
Part One: The Night SJ met Micheal.
TW: Domestic Violence, Language.
Long before we ever hit record on Episode One SJ knew she needed to talk about what happened back in October 2004... and desperately did not want to talk about it. Leaning into the chaos, they now say, "Fuck it." Please note, this is not an easy listen, particularly the first 11 minutes or so.
Continual Synchronistic events in their life leading directly back to the worst night of her life can no longer be ignored - and SJ's finally ready to put this all behind them, and try to figure out what might have actually happened that strange and awful night.
We told you a long time ago we didn't want to be the trauma podcast, but it's unavoidable with this episode. Trusted friends promised them its a conversation we need to share.
We promise if you stick it out, you'll laugh by the time we're done with part two. And if you're a fan of Hellier? You'll want to listen.
Season 2 Episode 9 of Hellier made Sara lose it.
Part Two: Completely Back on Our BS.
As is known to happen, as soon as SJ and Andrea got back in the same room again it became clear how to move forward with Two Witches Podcast. We thought having a delicious lunch at our beloved (and haunted!) Hidden House Market and Deli would give us some extra inspiration...and we weren't wrong!
Andrea will tell you all about her experiences inside for the first time, and the rest of her visit, & we'll discuss what is next for Two Witches!
Also, Tuesday March 9th (day after our grand Resurrection) Andrea goes in for her foot rebuild! Send her some good thoughts, will you?
Andrea will also tell you a little bit about the synchronicities surrounding the antique rosary she received from SJ (and MoJo!) for her birthday. We will introduce you to St. Andre (ANDRE - A?) of Montreal, Canada, the latest member of Brick Management.
Thanks for joining us! Is Synchronicity a recurring theme in your life? Like old ass bricks? Just want to yell at us on Twitter?