Episode 15: Psychometry With Psychic Empath Janet Borkowski.
One of the first people Sara/SJ and Andrea both connected with online about their excitement over Hellier was Portland native Janet Borkowski. Besides also being into high strangeness like Andrea and SJ, Janet describes herself as a Psychic Empath!
Janet's family has a local history with bricklaying and masonry. She became interested in how Synchronicity (which she has also experienced since watching Hellier) intersected with the Hidden bricks at the center of our story.
Portland area Psychic Empath Janet Borkowski employs several psychic skills like psychometry in her work.
Janet's grandfather was involved in bricklaying in the Portland and and Vancouver area.
We'll talk with Janet about her experiences using her investigative and psychic skills at the Providence Academy and other sites she's visited, and learn a bit about the history of psychometry. Janet will share with us how she is able to use these mysterious talents to help us investigate several Hidden brick linked sites we have talked about in this podcast. She has been at the Providence Academy with SJ more than anyone else has since this Brick Madness began. SJ has seen the accuracy of Janet's psychometry skills for themselves when later events she predicted around the Providence Academy came to pass.
Janet dowsing, looking for the secret tunnels at the Providence Academy.
Janet examining the basalt foundation of the Academy, one of Andrea's favorite spots.
Having Andrea, SJ and Janet all together seemed to supercharge our investigation.
Janet using Psychometry to talk to the foundation stones of Fargher Lake.
Janet, Andrea and SJ having lunch at "the picnic table" in September 2020.
See Janet's Dowsing in Action!
Janet has taken her dowsing rods all over the site of the Providence Academy - we even got really weird and took her rods to Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery to try to communicate with MoJo! Some short videos of what the typical dowsing process is like are below.

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Interested In Working With Janet Yourself?
Janet describes her skillset as a "Psychic Jill Of All Trades:"
"Energy is the best way to describe the force which powers our lives. Our bodies pulse with it, our minds run on it... but did you know that energy cannot be created or destroyed? It can only be transferred or transformed.
Our personal psychic energy can be read and our past, present and possible futures are in those energies. When you know what your life energy is showing, you can change and transform those energies to best support your life in a strong and powerful way. Let me look at your energy and help you clear your pathway to a clearer view of your own life. I can read your energies as well as the energy of your questions, giving you clear answers. I am also available for past life readings, animal communication as well as mediumship readings." Reach out to Janet on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to find out how to book a reading!
Our personal psychic energy can be read and our past, present and possible futures are in those energies. When you know what your life energy is showing, you can change and transform those energies to best support your life in a strong and powerful way. Let me look at your energy and help you clear your pathway to a clearer view of your own life. I can read your energies as well as the energy of your questions, giving you clear answers. I am also available for past life readings, animal communication as well as mediumship readings." Reach out to Janet on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to find out how to book a reading!