UPDATE October 2022: SJ is writing a book about the Hidden Brick Story. Stay tuned for more information about that project! You can follow their research and follow this project as it comes to life on their Patreon.
First... Thank you.
First, on behalf of Andrea and myself - thank you. However you found us and came to this page, I want to thank you first for being curious and supportive enough to even be here. That's part of why it's so difficult to tell you that it is time for this ride to be over.
When this project started for me (SJ), the world was a different place. There were 600,000 less of us missing from a hell virus for starters, and lots of us were blindingly tripping through our lives, not having any idea why they may have felt so... wrong.
I found a brick from 1871... and I was curious about it.
When this project started for me (SJ), the world was a different place. There were 600,000 less of us missing from a hell virus for starters, and lots of us were blindingly tripping through our lives, not having any idea why they may have felt so... wrong.
I found a brick from 1871... and I was curious about it.
The amount of blood, sweat, and tears that one brick caused me is almost unfathomable when I look back at it - and yes, it was paired with high magic too. It exposed all the rot that was Hidden in my life and everything began to crumble like a house of cards, faster than I could keep up with.
I realized a lot of the people in "the occult community" were just as into this for the money and the clout at the churches and institutions that they claimed to be railing against were. I watched people that were in the innermost circle of what this project started from become so enamored by finally having the spotlight turned on them that they forgot WHY they started to speak out in the first place.
I learned a lot in the last two years - and most of it was really, really ugly, and this included information about the Providence Academy, the land deal it is now in the middle of, the Catholic Church, and yes, even the Sisters of Providence.
After two years of my own research, due to my love of the building I aligned with the Historic Trust (who is in charge of the Providence Academy) and began training as a docent at the Academy. I offered my own research and contributions, which were initially eagerly received by parties involved... until I started asking the wrong questions about what may have happened on Parcel Number 5.
Parcel 5 at the Providence Academy.
Sometimes You Don't Get the Answers You Want.
I attended all of the Clark County Historical Preservation Committee meetings related to this project over the past two years, and was shocked and stunned and some of what I learned as a result. The Trust has hired attorneys to censor past members of this volunteer citizen committee, going as far to personally smear them in the most recent meeting. The only question left to really examine is... why?
Why would a non-profit trust be so invested in rushing to tear down what is essentially an archaeological site to build a large high rise apartment building? Why would they file for incorrect permits to make sure this happens? Why would they have the Sisters of Providence circling the wagons as to who is talking about this building and why, to the point where people who have approached SJ for help now deny these same conversations ever happened?
Why would they want to avoid talking about that there were many, many Indigenous children here from the 1870s forward? Why would their strongest denial that this facility was an "Indian Boarding School" be that the federal government never paid the Sisters of Providence, and how this was a "private facility?" Why, indeed.
MoJo... what did you end up participating in?
Maybe because this is actually GENOCIDE that was occurring here... and whether she knew it or not - yes, my beloved Mother Joseph with all of her strength and uniqueness was a cog in this machine. Just because she didn't know doesn't excuse her participation. Just because I didn't know doesn't excuse MINE.
I believe this building is an archaeological and cultural treasure - but as a white person, my opinion no longer matters as much as the opinions of Indigenous people. I don't have anything else to say about it for now except that I get the sense that something very bad happened here, and the Sisters nor the Historic Trust want to talk about it.
This is an archaeological site, and no one wants to talk about that. The easiest way to hide something is build a shiny new site right on top of it.
Here's the voices that matter, and what they have to say.
This is not an easy watch, TW: Abuse of children (all forms) - UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide. The woman describing the murder of her sister at the St. Eugene's school in Cranbrook BC was at the same site as the hospital that Mother Joseph built.
Children that weren't murdered by disease (by design) were later tortured and abused in the walls she built. It happened at more than just St. Eugene's.
Every single school needs to be examined and treated as a crime scene until we know otherwise. Further reading applicable to the situation:
Kevin Annett's early website - Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and State in Canada by (Rev.) Kevin Annett. Another question to think about is why would the church spend over $250K to defrock one of their own priests for talking about what he learned?
Orlando Sentinel, May 29, 1993: Orphans Paid A Terrible Price in Canadian History.
CTV News, Montreal, June 11, 2021: Former students of Sisters of Providence in Montreal allege abuse. More information about the lawsuit HERE.
Also applicable is the recent news about the St. Joseph's Orphanage in Burlington Vermont, that Buzzfeed exposed a few years back, and how the Sisters of Providence DID NOT COOPERATE WITH THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.
Until we know the truth of what happened here at the Providence Academy, I am no longer interested in celebrating it. The moment it became clear the voices Two Witches Podcast wanted to amplify were still being harmed by activities here is when SJ decided they had to slam on the brakes.
Thank you for all of your love and support through this project. I honestly don't know what's left in the future - but whatever Two Witches was has ended for now.
What could rise from the ashes is unknown, but it won't be with an organization that continues to try hide their misdeeds in the shadow of a remarkable woman who had the misfortune to share her gifts with an organization like the Catholic Church.
I'm sorry to all of the good Sisters that have clearly tried to make a difference over the years despite the brainwashing they endured by the Catholic Church. While I continue to respect their historical contributions, they in no way make up for the horrors of the colonization process that the church still continues to perpetuate.
To all Indigenous people, and all people of color who may encounter these words or any of my work: I am sorry if my celebration of a courageous, gender non-conforming white woman added to your pain. I will continue to push for the answers you deserve, and stand with you throughout the process if you'd like to have me with you.