Two Witches = Vintage Magic!
SJ preparing to enter their happy place - the local animal shelter's thrift store.
Andrea inspecting vintage glassware. Her expertise will help you separate the trash from the treasure - and then turn it into CASH.
SJ really loves curiosities and oddities, kitsch, vintage toys and electronics, and midcentury modern housewares. Adapting and working with intuitive techniques to locate old items at estate sales and thrift stores (with a major kick start from Mortellus, the Bagans Slayer and the magical talisman they helped make with SJ's father) combined with decades of nerding out and researching old stuff led SJ to open a successful part time vintage resale store online.
Mirroring the pattern of everything else in SJ and Andrea's lives, synchronicities began to emerge with what SJ affectionately calls "junking" that caught our attention. We combined our efforts, and this discovery led to what we now call "Vintage Magic."
The best part is that anyone can learn to do this. Like everything else in life, you can use all kinds of techniques (ranging from the practical to high "woo" intuitive and magical craft work) to jumpstart your own brand of vintage magic. We'll show you how to do it and avoid pitfalls we made when starting out.
Yes - like everyone else, we have started a Patreon. Here's why.
Of course our favorite bossy nun is all up in this stuff too, and we'll tell you about her involvement.
When we launched Two Witches Podcast in 2020, the world was different for a lot of us - SJ and Andrea included. On top of the problems Covid has caused for us all financially, the amount of time it takes to put out the podcast and other content was more than we ever dreamed it would be.
The only way we could continue with this project is to create a little bit of financial wiggle room for ourselves to help offset the time spent to bring it to life.
SJ drunk on kitsch happiness!
Neither of us are getting any younger either (crone problems...) and after both having surgeries in the last year, some of our normal income activities have been curtailed or eliminated due to our newer physical limitations.
Many of our listeners suggested a Patreon to us before as they felt our content had value, so we decided to listen.
We both hope you enjoy your time with us at whatever level you choose to engage with us.
What kinds of Bonus Content will Patrons get?
Along with our normal discussions into haunted bricks and fortean subjects, followers on our social media have been begging us to tell them how we both identify, find, price, and of course sell vintage objects to make a little extra money. Free Tip: It's not just ebay, anymore!
We're also planning on releasing weekly "BOLOs" - short videos or posts for Patrons where we share an item to specifically watch for at the thrift store and garage sales that is a quick and easy flip for extra cash. Some of the items worth serious cash on the resale market could surprise you.
Other perks for Patrons besides Vintage Magic! content could include live stream events to chat with us (and possibly podcast guests) about anything you want, Patreon only contests and Two Witches Podcast swag - we just love to give stuff away! Patrons will also receive a monthly code for a 10% discount in Andrea's Primitive Inspirations store AND SJ's Etsy store Mojo's Vintage Boutique if vintage is your thing too!
Other perks for Patrons besides Vintage Magic! content could include live stream events to chat with us (and possibly podcast guests) about anything you want, Patreon only contests and Two Witches Podcast swag - we just love to give stuff away! Patrons will also receive a monthly code for a 10% discount in Andrea's Primitive Inspirations store AND SJ's Etsy store Mojo's Vintage Boutique if vintage is your thing too!
Find out why Andrea picked these items up from the thrift store to resell!
Ahh... the look of a happy witch in the glass section...
Some of the results of SJ's Vintage Magic in action.
"Vintage, Schmintage, BOOORING." - You.
Okay - first of all, yes, we're silently judging you - deal with it. But even if making extra money or learning about old stuff isn't an interest of yours (no bitcoin accepted here, sorry), you still might want to think about kicking a few bucks our way. Patrons of Two Witches Podcast will get new podcast episodes a week earlier than the general public, and also have access to bonus episodes not available to the general public on a variety of topics.
Andrea picking up some vintage melamine.
Best of all, you as a Patron will get to VOTE on what bonus content we bring you. There are also a lot of perks to being part of "Team Brick" we haven't talked about publicly.
We have several tiers for Patrons available - if you are really into this brick shit and have some spare cash to throw around, we even have an option where you can get your very own haunted Hidden brick.
Have a look at some of MoJo's Vintage Boutique's recent feedback, and then tell us this isn't actual MAGIC in action.
his 1890s Roslyn, Washington Hutchinson soda bottle's buyer had been looking for this item their entire adult life. He even went out to Roslyn with special permission to dig for bottles for two days at the old bottling site and found none intact. They have family ties to Roslyn.
Years later, SJ found his "Holy Grail" at a sale in Battle Ground, Washington and listed it on etsy -- they also made friends while bonding over old stuff during the transaction. This is serious Vintage Magic!
Bringing someone's beloved Grandma back for a moment? Vintage Magic!
Ideas for other bonus content we have at time of relaunch include herb classes from our resident Plant Witch Andrea (Patrons will also receive the spoils of her garden, too!), Protection Magic, Divination Methods, free tarot pulls for Patrons, consultations with Magical Jobcat and other talks about fortean subjects are all on the table.
Additionally, there are a lot of things that have happened at Mother Joseph's Providence Academy that we aren't comfortable putting out for "general listenership" - you'll get the answers to all your burning questions there too. (Spoiler alert: It's gotten really weird.)
Need some extra advice from the Mighty Magical Jobcat?