Brick Management Team - Who Are We?
In January 2019 a web series called "Hellier" was released on youtube by a paranormal investigative team headed by Greg and Dana Newkirk. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was unlike any other paranormal show or series before, and handled the study of phenomena and synchronicity in a professional and fascinating way. Many people were hooked, including us. It resonated in a big way with us both.
Two Witches in the Pacific Northwest around the same age connected online over the series and it's impact on our lives and struck up friendships that crossed over in the "real world". Soon after watching Hellier, and later after watching Hellier 2, synchronicities began to become prevalent in both of our lives. While many of our experiences were of course different and deeply personal, as our friendship grew, synchronicities began to grow amongst our other friends also. It was almost as if they were... contagious.
The vein of synchronicity that ran through SJ's life was strong enough that it began pulling Andrea in to the "brick business" also. The more they shared their experiences and thoughts, the coincidences grew between them. Soon things got weird... really weird. It became clear that someone was responding directly to our paying attention.
Two Witches in the Pacific Northwest around the same age connected online over the series and it's impact on our lives and struck up friendships that crossed over in the "real world". Soon after watching Hellier, and later after watching Hellier 2, synchronicities began to become prevalent in both of our lives. While many of our experiences were of course different and deeply personal, as our friendship grew, synchronicities began to grow amongst our other friends also. It was almost as if they were... contagious.
The vein of synchronicity that ran through SJ's life was strong enough that it began pulling Andrea in to the "brick business" also. The more they shared their experiences and thoughts, the coincidences grew between them. Soon things got weird... really weird. It became clear that someone was responding directly to our paying attention.
SJ (formerly known as "Brick Sara" - they/them) and Andrea, (she/her) are "Two Witches."
"That's pretty witchy, for a nun."
The Greatest Brick Shirt of all time by Qxir - EVIL BRICKS!
One of the things we agreed on is that most places that are called "haunted" are misunderstood. The majority of media portraying "Ghost Hunting" use techniques (provocation) and operate from a place of fear... and fakery. Hellier was different. It helped us find others that were interested in exploring the paranormal in a respectful, logical way. It also led to some of the strangest synchronicity experiences we have ever experienced. Soon it was all bricks all the time for all of us involved. The synchronicities even crossed over into Hellier.
When SJ began investigating a pattern of documented hauntings in local Hidden brick built buildings they wondered....why? Was it just because the buildings are old? Was it because the buildings had a tragic history attached? Was it the bricks themselves or could it be who made them? One of the most intriguing questions we had was why was a Nun teaching local Masons how to make bricks when associating with Masons could lead to excommunication? The truth could be even stranger than we ever imagined.
When SJ began investigating a pattern of documented hauntings in local Hidden brick built buildings they wondered....why? Was it just because the buildings are old? Was it because the buildings had a tragic history attached? Was it the bricks themselves or could it be who made them? One of the most intriguing questions we had was why was a Nun teaching local Masons how to make bricks when associating with Masons could lead to excommunication? The truth could be even stranger than we ever imagined.
When the outbuildings at the Providence Academy became threatened with a demolition order from the City of Vancouver for a real estate development project, the synchronicities we experienced went into overdrive. We uncovered the shortcuts taken by the City and development team in the name of greed, and the neglectful management of the Trust in charge of the site. Was this why the bricks were talking? We weren't the only people the bricks were reaching out to.
The deeper we dug into the history of Mother Joseph and the Hidden family it became undeniable that something was happening. We didn't know what... but it was something. The building was ready to spill its secrets, and an order of nuns from Quebec ended up being more fascinating than we ever dreamed.
We decided to pay attention, try to save the outbuildings of the Providence Academy, and document the process. SJ decided to walk in Mother Joseph's literal footsteps and began traveling to sites she or Hidden bricks were connected with. This process led to some of the strangest experiences of her life so far. Soon, it got really weird for Andrea too.
We decided to pay attention, try to save the outbuildings of the Providence Academy, and document the process. SJ decided to walk in Mother Joseph's literal footsteps and began traveling to sites she or Hidden bricks were connected with. This process led to some of the strangest experiences of her life so far. Soon, it got really weird for Andrea too.
Somerset, Kentucky photos courtesy of Caitlin. We look forward to talking with her about these photos and Somerset on a future episode!
"Two Witches" was a podcast co-hosted by SJ (The artist formerly known as "Brick Sara") and Andrea, exploring the phenomenon of synchronicity and other topics with some of the sharpest minds in the paranormal field as we try to piece together what might be happening with these mysterious Hidden bricks.
As this Hidden brick story unfolded in real time, the secrets involving these haunted locations surprised us both. Due to the revelations discovered by SJ during research, the podcast has been shelved. SJ is now working on a book that will detail the history of the Hidden Bricks and the nun at the center of this story, Mother Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
Some of Our Other Media Appearances
Here's a brief talk with advice to "Don't Be A Ghost Bro, " sharing some experiences SJ has had at haunted sites, and lessons they have learned over the years as an amateur paranormal investigator, including their recent trip to Waverly Hills Sanatorium, in Louisville, KY.
The links page mentioned that I created full of other paranormal creators that are "Ghost Bro Free" about is right HERE. Their talk begins around 1:08:00 if for some reason you don't like crunchy, awesome music.
Andrea and SJ both appeared on Episode 2 of "The Occult Confessional" in May 2021, a new Youtube series hosted by the Magician that focuses on the occult experiences of former Christians, creating a space to talk about how those two arenas can surprisingly intersect.
John-Marc states: "I aim to create a safe place for others to share their stories as well as perhaps others know that they may not be as alone as they once thought." If you watch, you'll see why it became clear within the first few moments of our chat SJ knew that they had to send a Hidden brick to him. (Psst! Look for Andrea on another episode again soon, too!)
Before "Two Witches" ever existed, "The Eternal Void, but with Jazz" had SJ on to talk about Hidden Bricks and Synchronicity way back on Episode 2!
We know that "Two Witches" wouldn't be nearly as magical without the banger of a theme song at the beginning of each episode that we were gifted from their host, so we like to think of this episode as a "Two Witches prequel," really. Andrea just hadn't been to town to see the St. James Cathedral yet and thought this was just the Sara show (JOKE WAS ON HER - HA).
"The Eternal Void" is an awesome show that takes no prisoners, kicks racists in the face whenever possible and you definitely should check it out.
"Get Ready With Me..." with Stephanie McCown (our guest on Episode 19 of Two Witches Podcast) hosted Sara (SJ) in 2020 for a two part deep dive into Hidden bricks and their history. Part one introduces Mother Joseph and the main players in the story and part two continues the conversation, laying out how local Vancouver, Washington history and how Mother Joseph, L.M. Hidden, and Sara's paths eventually all intersected over time.
Sara (SJ) appeared on Episode 29 of "Some Other Sphere" podcast in March 2020. It was the first time she ever spoke publicly about her experiences researching Hidden bricks.
If you're someone sticking your toe into the public arena of Paranormal Research, "Some Other Sphere" is a wonderful place to land for a first public speaking experience, and Rick is always looking for fresh voices for his show!