Episode 11: Saint James and Synchronicities.
The Saint James Cathedral from 13th Street in Vancouver, Washington.
This episode, we are going to tell you about another wonderful Hidden brick building built with the assistance of Mother Joseph, the Saint James the Greater Proto-Cathedral in downtown Vancouver, Washington. When you examine the building's history, even back to how the land was acquired, this cathedral has been a site of synchronicity since the very day it was planned.
The original church was established by Father Blanchet at Fort Vancouver and had strong ties to the Army and the Hudson's Bay Company.
Mother Joseph is credited with the redesign of the spires, including the addition of handsome brick embellishments.
Within minutes of being in Vancouver to see Hidden bricks in person for the first time, Andrea found herself dumbfounded by a string of synchronicities surrounding this Cathedral that continues to unfold, most of them surrounding her brother James. For a deeper look at the history of the church and Saint James, head over to the St. James Cathedral page on our site. We'll review a bit of that history on this episode, and dig deeper into the building's connections to the God Pan later on Episode 13 of Two Witches Podcast. It's starting to get really weird, now!
Andrea at the Cathedral's front doors, near the "JM" mason mark.
Andrea's brotherJim has been making his presence known to her since his passing in 2020.
Bishop Augustin Blanchet's burial in a HIDDEN chamber in the Cathedral also led to surprises.
One of the mason marks near the front door of the St. James Cathedral took our breath away when Andrea visited the cathedral for the first time.
Cockle Shells and Oak Leaves are some of St. James' symbols. We will further explore the links between Pan and Catholicism in Episode 13.
400 West Evergreen vs. 400 East Evergreen Blvd...
One of the patterns that keeps appearing in this brick Synchronicity story is a pattern of opposites. The Providence Academy and it's amazing chapel are located at 400 East Evergreen Boulevard. A second local historic building that was believed to be built by Hidden Bricks, Vancouver's First Presbyterian church, was located at 400 West Evergreen Boulevard. Unfortunately we have to say "was,"as it has recently been demolished. Like the Providence Academy, it is known locally for being haunted.

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The demolition of this Presbyterian church revealed many surprises about the site that ended up being synchronistic messages for SJ. We'll line out the similarities and differences between the buildings, the hauntings experienced there, and even the variance in the bricks themselves.
1912 - Vancouver's First Presbyterian Church being rebuilt after the original wood structure burned down. It served the community until 1957, when the new Presbyterian church was built on Main Street. The old church became a Community Center. The stained glass from this old church will be re-used in the new church.