Complete show notes and streaming links below...
Welcome to the Power Train. Some of us are Queer, some of us are Women...we all have a lot of thoughts about weird stuff.
When we said we wanted to give everyone an equal seat at the proverbial weird podcast table, we really meant it. As two femme/nb presenting people, we are thrilled to bring you what we've been affectionately calling The Femme/NB Power Train. Since we can't all sit down and do a Witchsgiving together, (Kiki Dombrowski's dream, which we now co-opt once we heard her longing for an actual round table together as she learned of her part in this amazing line-up - see Episode 16), this is just going to have to do for now.
This entire project started as a look into a unique woman named Mother Joseph that lived her life her way, within a set of strict moral norms, and then somehow thrived living an authentic life as a fearless nun. These wonderful people you're about to meet leave both Andrea and SJ with a similar sense of awe at their power and brilliance. We can't wait to share their thoughts with our listeners.
Episode schedule always subject to changes to accommodate any of our guest's needs - if they shuffle a bit, don't worry - all of these wonderful people will get their turn at the mic. Red titles lead to full show notes! This really is going to be the best party ever... well, since maybe circa 1998 (we're old, remember?)
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Portland-area Psychic Empath Janet Borkowski (she/her) shares with us her experiences using her investigative and psychic skills at the Providence Academy and other sites she's visited! Listeners will learn a bit about the history of psychometry as Janet shares how she is able to use these mysterious talents to help us investigate several Hidden brick linked sites we have talked about in this podcast.
Janet has been at the Providence Academy with SJ more than anyone else has since this Brick Madness began. SJ herself has seen the accuracy of Janet's psychometry skills, when events she predicted around the Providence Academy's pending partial demolition later came to pass.
Reach out to Janet on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to find out how to book a reading!
Janet has been at the Providence Academy with SJ more than anyone else has since this Brick Madness began. SJ herself has seen the accuracy of Janet's psychometry skills, when events she predicted around the Providence Academy's pending partial demolition later came to pass.
Reach out to Janet on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to find out how to book a reading!
Expert Brick Communicator.
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We are going to dive into some serious Tarot Awesomeness with fellow Liminal.Earth Ambassador Kiki Dombrowski (she/her)! She has a lot to teach us about the different symbolism in Tarot and what secrets it might reveal about our nun and Hidden brick story! We know there is a lot of crossover between the Catholic rituals and occult symbols, and Kiki's going to break down some of that for our lucky listeners.
Andrea recently took a Tarot class from Kiki and her Savannah Tarot Meetup Circle co-teacher Joy Horn (See Kiki's online teaching schedule HERE) and both she and SJ have begun to look at Tarot cards in a different way as a result. We'll get into some of the things Kiki's passionate about. Additionally, MoJo again proves that she is the one in charge of this podcast, as SJ has to share with listeners the importance of a long hike through the Portland woods they took the day before we recorded.
Kiki's a wonderful writer who loves to write and talk about witchcraft, spirit of place, divination, and especially tarot. Follow her on Twitter @KikiD333, check out her excellent blog and look for her book release 'A Curious Future' (preorder now!) in July 2021!
Tarot Expert in the HOUSE!
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The first Astrology reader SJ ever hired was their friend Maighdlin Kelly (they/them). From a single hour spent with them, SJ realized they were the best damn astrologer they know, and was thrilled when they agreed to come on the podcast.
From the very beginning their friendship seemed to be tinged with some serious synchronicities, starting around Hellier, of course. SJ screamed at the TV when Maighdlin showed up in the second season of Hellier to work on some Weird Astrology for the Newkirks and their crew. We knew when we wanted to look at some nun charts that Maighdlin was again the only person to hire! Also, find out why they call us "The Hellier of Podcasts."
Besides being an Astrology Wizard, they also make amazing jewelry and post other quality content on their instagram. We also get into Maighdlin's love and use of Tarot and Lenormand cards. Their unique insight will help take your astrology game to a whole new level.
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When the nun stuff started to get really weird for SJ/Sara, one of the first people that reached out to them was our friend Stephanie Quick, (she/her) who has been described as "William S. Burroughs meets Mary Poppins," which we think is just perfect. I mean, she worked rituals with Allen Fucking Greenfield - she doesn't play around when it comes to magic... or fashion.
Just as brilliant on her knowledge of the weird as her fellow Master of Cool and Dr. of Kookonomy AP Strange, she turned SJ onto a newer paranormal theory called Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance that really got our attention. We will talk about this and anything else we feel like - because we do what we want, remember?
Check out Stephanie's wonderful blog "Ghost Dog is a Mystery Box" or connect with her on Twitter - she's an absolute delight to have in your life. We know we would absolutely be lost without her!
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One of the biggest pet peeves we all have as paranormal investigators or consumers of paranormal media is the rampant ableism, gatekeeping, and dumb tricks a lot of these 'Ghost Bros' perform on camera for crappy generic ghost hunting shows.
We are sick of people getting famous for yelling at dust particles in locations where many people suffered. Brilliant feminist writer, poet, artist AND podcast vlogger (we told you - these people are ALL TALENT!) Stephanie McCown (she/her/they) is sick of it too. Stephanie is going to help us break down some of the major problems with these shows, and talk with us about her ideas on how to interact with the weird in a way that is meaningful, respectful, and avoids exploitation.
Becoming a member of Team Brick and has had a real impact in her life since learning about Mother Joseph, and she'll share some of that with us too. Make sure to connect with her on Twitter or Instagram!
Edit: We had to so much to say we had to split it into TWO Episodes!
Michigan based Author Stephanie McCown is sick of crappy Paranormal TV, and we are too.
SJ learned about Mortellus (they/them) and their work from our friend C. Voidberg at The Eternal Void, but with Jazz and was powerfully drawn to their life's story and work. Feeling a strong pull, SJ asked Mortellus to work on an Amulet with help from whoever on the other side was watching out for them. Neither SJ nor Mortellus had any idea what either of them were in for, but none other than Big John (Sara's dad, introduced way back to listeners in Episode 3) is who answered their call. Some serious chaos ensued for poor Mortellus when this Badass showed up to try to boss them around for weeks.
While Mortellus humbly downplays their amazing gifts as a Witch, Coven Leader, Necromancer, Mortician, Medium, 3° Gardnerian High Priestex and Author, their wild ride making what SJ calls their "Holy Vomit Magic Amulet" with Big John was a wonderful reminder that some of the most powerful magic is that which is deeply personal to your own healing.
Make sure you check out Mortellus' website where you can buy thoughtfully crafted and sustainably harvested magical supplies, including wonderful first book "Do I Have To Wear Black?" Watch for their second book for Llewellyn Worldwide, which they are currently working hard at completing.
SJ and Andrea will reflect on the amazing guests they spent time with as part of the Power Train and tell listeners what's next for Season Two of Two Witches Podcast! SJ's also gearing up to cause some chaos at Michigan Paracon, where they are going to get to meet Chelle from The Void but with Jazz, Stephanie McCown, Michigan Gandolf, Goblin Dad and the High Priestess and other friends of the Podcast for the first time!
But the real question is... how many unsuspecting people attending Paracon will catch the "Shrek Curse?"
SEASON TWO: Cannabis Magic with Katie Webb!
The wonderful Master Divinatrix Overlord Katie Webb (she/her) will still be joining us in the future - scheduling conflicts pushed out our chat for a bit, but we look forward to talking with her soon about cannabis magic and anything else she wants!
A self-described "Witch Wayne Campbell," Katie is an Investigator of unknown phenomena, Artist, MASTER DIVINATRIX , DJ Double Dessert, creator of the "Interview with a Ghostpire" AND Horrorscopes. (See why we had to reschedule? She is B U S Y!)
Katie's also been on the youtube show "Haunt Me" and worked with the Newkirks to figure out a Dybbuk Box (mentioned on our Episode 9).
Katie talks to aliens and all sorts of interesting creatures.